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You've Got No Good Reason...

to stare at an ugly datebook for the rest of 2010.

Graphic Image 2010 Pocket Datebooks and Mini Address Books
now available at mac & murphy

mac & murphy - Graphic Image 2010 Pocket Datebooks and Mini Address Book


SusyJack* 2010 Wall Calendar @ mac & murphy

Feeling the need to again blog about the BEAUTIFUL 2010 Wall Calendar by SusyJack*. We love everything Susy touches but when I pass by this calendar on our own wall at the store I just have to stop and stare for a moment....

SusyJack* 2010 Wall Calendar at mac & murphy - a charleston paper company
SusyJack* 2010 Wall Calendar at mac & murphy - a charleston paper company

SusyJack* 2010 Wall Calendar at mac & murphy - a charleston paper company


Hello My Sweet

we are so happy to introduce our very talented neighbors Sideshow Press into the mac & murphy mix with these "you're sweeter than sweet tea" letterpressed notecards. The moment we laid eyes on them we just had to ask the girls to let us carry them. Better come get yours quick or Liz and I may just take 'em all home with us!


Quarterly Baby Updates by elum

these Quarterly BABY UPDATE by elum are the perfect baby shower gift or unique baby announcement. not only are they beautiful, they are very very witty:
- baby is currently saying"................................................" a lot.
- we're not sure, but we think it means.......................................
- Bringing along....................lets up stay in public places longer.
each boxed set of 10 comes with corresponding cream envelope.
4 x 9.25 {large enough to hold 4x6 photo}
3,6,9,12 month updates sold separately
keep friends and family updated on baby's shenanigans all year long!

elum Quarterly Baby Updates now at mac & murphy


Habel Construction Journals

Its a sad day to learn that Habel Construction is 1) no longer selling wholesale to storefronts and 2) no longer producing their fabric covered journals - such sad news! We're lucky enough to have two journals still in stock but after that its bye-bye to Habel. Tear.

Habel Construction fabric covered journal at mac & murphy